Register with us by filling out the form below. Company Name*Key Contact Name*Title*Direct Email*Direct Telephone Number*Company Address*WebsitePlease give TOFTigers some indication of how many clients you handle that incorporate wildlife parks in India.*Less than 1002505001000More than 1000When can you start to effect the guidelines and partnership obligations above?YOUR ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION TO TOFTigers CAMPAIGNPlease send this application with payment by cheque payable to Travel Operators for Tigers India Wildlife Association.*INR 8000 per annum for companies who employ 6 or less full time staffINR 16000 per annum for companies who employ 7 or more full time staffINR 25000 per annum for companies who employ 25 or more full time staffINR 50000 per annum for companies who employ 100 to 499 full time staffINR 150000 per annum for companies who employ 500 or more full time staff SeparatorUsername*SeparatorPassword*Confirm Password*User AgreementSupport, endorse, publicise and advocate the relevant Travellers Guidelines for all those in volved in the delivery of your service to your clients. PLEASE NOTE : Partnership includes a large pack of Travellers leaflets, TOFTigers Feedback Forms and TOFTigers Stickers. This includes sending the guidelines to :Your agents and partners in different regions of the Indian subcontinent.Your tour leaders and wildlife guides in each area.Your accommodation and service providers where protected areas are par t of your client’ s tour itinerary .Add the Travellers leaf lets to your client’ sticket wallets .Inform your Tour Operators, your local and international clients of your involvement in the campaign and encourage them to join as well*I agree to do thisDon't agreeAre you prepared to introduce TOFTig ers staff to your agents or inter national operators clients and encourage them to join*YesNoPublicise y our partnership of TOFTigers , as part of your responsible travel credentials , including adding the TOFTigers mission and logo:*I agree to do thisDon’t agreeAgree, wherever possible and appropriate, to offer PUG Eco rated accommodation to clients as the best options to support long term and sustainable wildlife tourism.*I agree to do thisDon’t agreeInform your leaders and tour guides of the ability to record infringements or bad practice through the TOFTigers comments email, or the website for appropriate recording and action.*I agree to do thisDon’t agreeAgree to pay an annual contribution on joining and subsequently annually in April (See overleaf).*I agree to do thisDon’t agreeConsider contributing to specific projects, training or initiatives put forward by TOFTigers over and above paying the yearly subscription (See overleaf).*I agree to do thisDon’t agreeWe offer two complimentary online subscriptions to India’s best Natural History Magazine, called Sanctuary Asia. This will be sent to the main contact’s email ID, but if you want it to be sent to others in your organisation please list in priority order here by giving us their email IDEmail ID 1Email ID 2Country*Select CountryState / ProvinceRegister Already have an account? Username/Email* Password* Remember Login Register Lost Password? Forgot Your Password? Enter your email address Email Reset Password Back to Login