Stanley Johnson
Supporters & Friends

Stanley Johnson is a former Conservative member of the European Parliament, where he served (1979-1984) as Vice Chairman of the Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, while chairing the Global Tiger Forum. He has also worked in the European Commission (1973-1979) as Head of the Prevention of Pollution division (1984-1994), as Senior Adviser to DG Environment and as Director of Energy Policy. He has also been associated with Plant life International, Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, Price Waterhouse Coopers, ERM, Earthwatch Institute and Jupiter Asset Management. He has authored ten books dealing with environmental issues. He has also had nine novels published, including The Commissioner which was made into a film. In 1984, he was awarded the Greenpeace Prize for Outstanding Services to the Environment and in the same year the RSPCA Richard Martin award for services to animal welfare. He has been a stalwart supporter of TOFTigers for a number of years, and even did the TOFTigers Bike4Tigers challenge in 2018.