Village Guardians

Vital part-time wildlife guardians surrounding the parks

Make a donation or sponsor a guardian or the equipment which enables them to be the ears and eyes around critical wildlife zones:

  • GB£800/US$1200 or INR80,000 – Pays for a guardian for a year
  • GB£400/US$600 or INR40,000 – Pays for half a guardian for a year
  • GB£200/US$300 or INR20,000 – Pays for co-support of a guardian for a year
  • GB£300/US$400 or INR27,000 – Pays for a camera trap to monitor wildlife movements and illegal activities
  • GB£100/US$150 or INR6500 – Pays for a training course for new guardians
  • GB£50/US$80 or INR5500 – Pays for a smart phone for rapid coms and collecting vital photographic evidence of illegal activities

In return, we will send you details of the guardians you are linked to, regular updates from our partners and you can even meet them in the field (full guardian supporters only).

For a tailored sponsorship or funding proposal contact

TOFTigers operates in India as TOFT India Wildlife Association, a Section 25 charity

Alternatively, make a donation via cheque or transfer

Other ways to support the Village Wildlife Guardians

Bike4Tigers Challenge Tigeropolis

Thanks for your generosity