Resource for your customers from TOFTigers: Travellers Code

Experience and research shows that responsible nature tourism can provide an invaluable platform to support and sustain parks, conservancies, buffer zones and local communities. It  also plays an important role in anti-poaching efforts, community development and poverty alleviation. Efforts of each traveller and visitor for conserving, appreciating and protecting nature can be a game changer for climate crises and for the generations to come. With the aim of raising awareness and promoting responsible behaviour among the visitors, TOFTigers provides this updated resource called Traveller’s code to all its members who are committed to support and conserve the wilderness they are  providing as part of their itinerary. This Traveller’s code contains simple rules for the travellers which can be followed during their travel.It also encourages visitors to sign up for Travel for life Pledge by MOT :

See the Traveller’s Code here