Globally governments spend only US$10 billion* each year on protecting wildlands and wildlife. A pitiful sum, when an ‘order of magnitude’ in funds is urgently called for by the world best known scientists to stem the current wave of destruction and extinction.
Yet nature based travel and tourism – highlighting that we are all changemakers – is a *US$650 billion per annum global revenue producer for conservation and protection – just from visitor park fees alone. This extraordinary economy is by multitudes the biggest funder of wildlife conservation, protection and rewilding efforts worldwide, as well as being crucial for creating local jobs, non-extractive rural enterprises and supporting rural communities.
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This despite the evidence that nature based tourism can turn every $1 dollar invested into $10’s of dollars for rural economies, reduce poverty, support conservation and anti-poaching, besides generating taxable revenue for governments.
So it’s time to look at things differently. Let’s plan it better
So we help to research, plan and sustain this nature dependent economy better.
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