Climate Crisis is Real, Act Now !

On 3rd July 2023, the world’s temperature rose to its highest point on record, providing indisputable proof of the worsening climate disaster. On this day, average worldwide temperature was an astounding 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 degrees Fahrenheit), according to statistics from climate tracking agencies spanning many decades. The temperature continued to soar the next two days , reaching a new high. The fact that these numbers are higher than the previous record established in August 2016 shows just how urgent it is to act against climate change.

 These previously unheard-of high temperatures have been verified by both the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service and the United States’ National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Data only goes back to the middle of the twentieth century, but experts claim these temperatures are the hottest the Earth has seen in at least “100,000 years,” based on analysis of ice cores and coral reefs.

 Due to their unprecedented scale, these occurrences require our urgent attention and concerted effort. Each of us can make substantial adjustments in our daily lives to lessen our impact on the environment. Adopting energy-efficient practices, decreasing trash, and embracing eco-friendly transportation options are all easy ways to live more sustainably. We can help maintain Earth’s fragile equilibrium when we make decisions like using less energy at home, taking public transportation, and buying eco-friendly goods with a conscious intent to make a difference.

But it’s not just people who should try to live more sustainably. Businesses have a significant impact on climate change mitigation as well, as their consumption levels are much higher, they have a duty to act sustainably by reducing their negative effects on the natural world. Businesses must play a significant role in protecting the environment by implementing energy-saving measures, embracing eco-friendly practices, cutting waste and emissions. For Travel and Tourism businesses destinations are their product, therefore it becomes mandatory for them to be conscious of creating a positive impact on environmental health. Also, the community must encourage tourists to be responsible travellers who  care about the environment and  adopt sustainable practices in their journeys.

The effects of climate change are widespread and touch everyone. The extremes we’ve seen recently should serve as a wake-up call to make sustainability a top priority in all areas of our life. Collectively, we can help mitigate climate change and preserve our world for future generations by adopting more sustainable lifestyles, corporate practices, and travel habits.