Advocacy & Trade Campaign
With Government and Forest departments
We work with both State and federal government agencies and departments, particularly the Forest and Tourism Departments, to help them understand the value of nature tourism and how to plan and integrate it into conservation efforts. This often requires training and workshops, like our 3 day Sustainable tourism training course undertaken by the Maharashtra Forest and Tourism Departments in 2014.
With the travel industry
There is much that needs doing for the travel and safari community – both domestically and Internationally – through their businesses to focus on sustainability of their own enterprises, and many training workshops and presentations have been made over the years to encourage this, at home and abroad. See our 10 Anniversary lecture event here
With the travel industry
The Pug Kitemark was set up to achieve some sustainable measuring sticks – for lodge and resort providers who use wildernesses destinations as their main resource, and much effort has been directed at making this kitemark a credible and successful B2B kitemark for sustainability amongst accommodation providers on the subcontinent. Increasingly TOFTigers is attempting to turn this kitemark into an International Ecobrand for quality assured properties across the safari market, recognisable by safari and nature travellers as a stamp of approval for nature dependent accommodation.
With visitors
How visitors book, where they stay and how they behave are critical dynamics in ensuring the sustainability of a wilderness destination. They can have both a positive or a negative effect on the destination, a recognising this, planning and training for this is critical for the future. TOFTigers has produced a range of literature like the Good Wildlife Travel Guide, travel wallets, some park literature and in association with Sanctuary Asia some Field Guides to parks. A ‘look before you book’ campaign is set for 2016 as part of an awareness campaign for visitors and trade alike.
For Guides and Drivers
TOFTigers has done a lot training of park guides and park game drivers, specifically in Madhya Pradesh over the years, thanks to sponsors like Cox and Kings and others. The need for some commonly agreed guiding standards and a training campus for park guides and naturalists is urgently needed and a key objective of TOFTigers.