PUG Ratings
PUG Eco-Ratings
Undertaking the PUG certification scheme is a long journey. It’s a journey for both you, along the path to greater sustainability of your business and its environment, but it’s also for us at TOFTigers as we aim to support you all the way on the journey, making sure you do the very best you can with the resources and staff and support you have. The report itself helps to highlight where you are doing great stuff, and where your operations is good, but also helps to highlight areas that need work, and here we will guide you and help you to do this where we can, both on the site visit, but also after as and when you need it.
We want everyone to pass. Our aim is to help everyone to gain our minimum rating and ultimately help everyone reach for our highest ‘Outstanding Rating’
- Our aim is to give you advice and support – through our confidential report and the green team’s visit – to get the PUG certification.
- Nobody is perfect or good at everything – it’s about assessing your whole operation.
- Our aim is to applaud your good points and highlight where you can do better.
- If you do fail – we tell you what you need to do to pass – and then you can invite us back to review your efforts.
The PUG ranking is based on a simple scoring system, based on proof of what our audit team find and sees and evidence we can see or is given to us, by management, staff and visitors.
Below are the ratings you can achieve and which highlight where you are on your sustainability journey.
They range from Good, to Quality to Outstanding.
PUG Eco Rating – Under ProcessAt this stage the accommodation provider has gone through the on-site audit of their property and is waiting to be rated by TOFTigers evaluation committee. Its seldom used except for members status reports |
PUG Eco Rating (Good Practice)Accommodation providers are somewhat low-impact, and may consider environmental and social issues in their operational decisions and programming. They may also make choices based on environmental and social responsibility, but due to monetary, time, or efficiency issues, may forego their commitment to best practice ecological sustainability. |
PUG Eco Rating (Quality Practice)Accommodation providers are highly environmentally and socio-culturally responsible. They are continuously working to better their operations and enhance their sustainable travel practices. The management is knowledgeable about environmental/social issues related to their business, and they are working to become exemplary industry leaders. |
PUG Eco Rating (Outstanding Practice)Accommodation providers are exemplary industry leaders. They make sustainable development and environmental and socio-cultural issues their priority. They are striving to be environmentally innovative and socially responsible. They have a positive impact on the environment, local communities, and their clients. They invest both time and money to maintain sustainable travel practices. They lead with examples and become case studies for others to follow. |
Member LogoAll member accommodation providers are eligible to display the member logo (plaque) only once they have gone through the self-assessment. The Logo would contain membership and year. |
THE PUG Eco Rating CertificateAll member accommodation providers who have gained a Good ratings score and above will receive a quality hard bound PUG certificate to display to their guests at reception and highlight to their staff. This is an important document that highlights your journey towards sustainability and you can be rightly proud of achieving it. It demonstrates your commitment to both the quality of your operations, but also your dedication to the long term health of the people and destination in which you operate. This certificate is valid for 3 years |